Monday, February 20, 2006

On my own...

Scooted down to Master's Swim Class at lunch time and found out that Helen, the regular instructor, was ill. Another instructor slapped a program up on the board, but she couldn't stay.

Her program had way too drills on strokes I'll never use (sorry, I suck at butterfly) so I went out on my own. Did:

500 -- easy warmup
300 -- kick, no board (alternating free, breast, and back)
6 x 100 -- free on 2:15 (did each interval ~1:45-1:50)
6 x 50 -- kick, no board on 1:15 (fins)
500 -- free (in 9:40)
100 -- cool down
2300 total

A pretty good workout. I was pleased that I was able to hold my speed together in the 6 x 100 without suffering a meltdown. 2:15 was just about right, 2:00 would have left me completely gassed.

The 500 was encouraging as well -- I concentrated on keeping the stroke smooth and breathing regular and finished with plenty of fuel in the tank. I should consider multiple sets of 500's as I work towards Olympic distance events this summer.

I've got an appointment with Jenny tonight to review weight work. I need the refresher -- ended up forgetting how to do several routines on Friday.

My training log at Beginner Triathlete.

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