Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The night is right -- for trainer rides

One of the keys to my training this winter has been my purchase of a magnetic trainer. I've got my bike locked into a Minuro 850D in the downstairs family room, and I probably get at least 3-4 rides per week on it.

Getting used to riding on a trainer takes some time. Initially it's pretty boring (OK, it's almost always boring), but you get used to it. I've found that a 1/2 hour ride isn't nearly the chore it used to be, and longer rides are getting easier as well.

For the most part I structure the rides as such: a 5 minute warmup, setting a good tempo and gradually raising the heart rate to around 60%, followed by interval sessions where I increase the resistance while maintaining a tempo of 90-100 RPM. Usually the interval sessions will be 4 minutes hard, then 1 minute easy, with the heart rate increasing each time, until the last few sessions are at 80-85%.

As I go along, I'll probably concentrate on increasing the duration of the "hard" intervals and improving my aerobic fitness. Since the weather looks good on Saturday, I'm planning on getting in a 20 mile ride, and we'll see how the winter's work has helped so far.

Enough for now -- I've got a weight session tonight, but otherwise it's a rest day.

My training log at Beginner Triathlete.

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