Wednesday, March 01, 2006

2-fer Wednesday

I put in two bike sessions today. Got up early at 5:30 AM for an hours worth on my home trainer, then doubled back for an hour at the gym in the afternoon. All in all it went pretty well. I concentrated on pushing the lactic threshold for extended periods in the morning session, then settled in with one of Jenny's spinning CDs for the afternoon session.

Spinning to the music was a bit strange -- I usually don't exercise to music, and I had some difficulty settling in to the tempos -- the music often seemed a bit too fast or too slow for my liking. After settling in, though, it was a pretty good session. My heart rate held pretty solid at around 140 or so for the most part.

One interesting note -- this was the first time I rode the trainer with my new rear wheel computer -- it's hard as heck to hold certain speeds compared to actual road riding. I guess it's because there's no momentum keeping me moving forward.

One more bike session -- Thursday evening -- and I've got three hours down for the week. Not bad for being limited to the midweek!

My training log at Beginner Triathlete.

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