Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What it takes

Some days you have it, and some days you don't. But the days you don't are still worth it.

It was cold this morning. Just cold enough that I didn't make the right gear choices. In the dark pre-dawn, I slipped on my lycra tights, capilene top, windvest, polypro hat, gloves, and my headlamp for a one-hour run. I stepped outside.


No worries, I'll warm up.

One hour later, I still hadn't. Probably one of the most uncomfortable runs I've had in quite a while. My loop course took me only a short job past my house three times, and every time was a temptation to pack it in and come back later. But I didn't, and I'm happy for it.

I know the times will come when I'm going to want to pack it in early. Stop. Quit. Be normal and sleep in later than 5:30 AM. But as they say, "Habit is the best of servants, and the worst of masters." Toughing it out on this cold morning might make it a little easier next time I need to dig down deep.


Check out my training log.

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